ChildHealthOnline, LLC

(205) 578-7995

Books & Publications

Valuable advice about child health and safety is just turn of the page away. We have written books about child health and the well-being of the family, along with books to help you be prepared for emergencies and disasters. Don't get caught off guard by the unexpected. For more information, contact Dr. Charlotte Hendricks. Order these classroom and family resources today through

Disaster Planning

A Guide on Disaster Preparedness

Let's hope that you never face a natural or manmade disaster at your setting; but if it should happen, have a plan and be prepared to carry it out. Nothing is more important than the safety of your children. That's why this quick guide is an important addition to your professional library. Use it to create a personalized plan for each of the disaster scenarios covered in the book - evacuation, bomb threat, need to take shelter, lockdown, extended shelter, transportation emergencies, and an active shooter. Every individual responsible for the care of children should be prepared to respond immediately and appropriately to disaster situations.

This easy-to-use guide presents curent recommendations of authorities on disaster planning and preparedness.Create and revise your disaster preparedness plan with guidance on communication plans, access to records, parent notification, and working with first responders. Use Disaster Planning and Preparedness to train staff and volunteers, and place a copy in every classroom and vehicle as a quick resource guide.

Hip on Health

Hip on Health

This collection of reproducible mini-posters and one-page information sheets provide accurate content on more than 140 key health, safety, and child development topics. This cost-effective tool will increase parent and caregiver knowledge, enhance communication with families, and serve as an  educational tool for educators and caregivers.

The field-tested and medically reviewed materials can be used in a variety of ways:
• Post on bulletin boards or display in common areas
• Distribute to families as needed
• Hand out at training events and family meetings
• Display in staff lounge as reminders and refreshers
• Incorporate in classrooms to encourage discussions about health with children
• Include as inserts in newsletters

Medical Emergencies

Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood and School-Age Settings

Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood and School-Age Settings helps you provide immediate care for children's medical situations, including cuts, bites and stings, sudden illness, choking, and allergic reactions. Designed with tabbed pages, you can quickly find the in formationyou need, and the spiral bound book stays open in an emergency situation. Revised in October 2015, this first aid book was reviewed by medical experts for accuracy and ease of use and includes updated CPR guidelines from the American Heart Association. This resource is essential for every nursery, classroom, vehicle, and child care setting.

Growing Strong A Whole Health Curriculum

Growing, Growing Strong: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children

Learning to lead a healthy lifestyle begins during the early years. Help preschoolers and kindergarteners develop lifelong healthy habits with Growing, Growing Strong: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children. This series includes five books: Body Care, Fitness and Nutrition, Safety, Social and Emotional well-Being, and Community and Environment. Each 88-page softbound book provides:

* An overview of the topic
* Suggested interest area materials and supports for creating the learning environment
* Learning objectives and vocabulary words
* Suggestions for evaluating children's understanding of the topic
* More than 30 classroom activities
* Family information and take-home activities

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